My Pain Is Real

Instead of feeling misunderstood, disregarded or isolated, chronic pain patients need to be understood, validated and provided with viable treatment options.

Using Hypnosis to Treat Chronic Pain

By:  Traci Patterson, Founder and Executive Director, Advanced Pathways The mind is such a powerful tool when it comes to managing pain, helping chronic pain patients gain functional levels and regain their lives.  While many have relied upon opioids and other traditional therapies in the past more physicians, universities and patients are turning to alternativeContinue reading “Using Hypnosis to Treat Chronic Pain”

HCT For The Relief and Control Of Chronic Pain

Author: Traci Patterson – Founder and Executive Director, Advanced Pathways You are not your pain. You can make that statement a reality by utilizing the powerful protocol of Hypnosis Combined Therapy (HCT).  HCT can harness your ability to retrain neural pathways and develop new patterns in the brain and body, to help you reclaim control.Continue reading “HCT For The Relief and Control Of Chronic Pain”

CRPS – You Don’t Have To Give In To Your Pain…

I attended the RSDSA conference in LaJolla yesterday.  The theme of the conference was, “Treating the Whole Person: Optimizing Wellness.”  I love the philosophy behind treating the whole person and optimizing wellness, because that is how each person will regain their life.  That’s how I did it!     It was a great experience to meetContinue reading “CRPS – You Don’t Have To Give In To Your Pain…”

Traci’s Story

My name is Traci Patterson.  I’m the Founder and Director of Advanced Pathways, an advocate for chronic pain patients, author, keynote and motivational speaker, and CRPS survivor.  I lived with type 2 CRPS for approximately 7 years, and I’ve now been in long-term remission since 2013.  I’ve dedicated my life to helping other CRPS andContinue reading “Traci’s Story”

New CDC Guidelines Effects on the Pain Community

By: Traci Patterson, CH, CI – Owner and Founder, Advanced Pathways Hypnosis   In the last month the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) handed down new guidelines pertaining to opioid prescribing and the National Pain Strategy (NPS) was implemented. These guidelines and strategies have left the chronic pain community reeling, discouraged and feeling left behind.Continue reading “New CDC Guidelines Effects on the Pain Community”

Hypnosis Combined Therapy: Providing Treatment Options and Relief for CRPS and Chronic Pain Patients

By: Traci Patterson, CH, CI – Owner and Founder, Advanced Pathways Hypnosis Today, over 1 million people are diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) aka RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) worldwide. While staggering, patients are not being given the options of treatments outside the box that can help them such as Hypnosis Combined Therapy (HCT).Continue reading “Hypnosis Combined Therapy: Providing Treatment Options and Relief for CRPS and Chronic Pain Patients”

It All Starts in the Waiting Room, and It’s a Wrap with Your Doctor

By: Traci Patterson, CH, CI – Owner and Founder, Advanced Pathways Hypnosis   If you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, CRPS, cancer, PTSD or any other debilitating condition, this will hit home as you’ve been there. Where is ‘there’, you ask? The doctor’s office to obtain verificationContinue reading “It All Starts in the Waiting Room, and It’s a Wrap with Your Doctor”

Hypnosis Combined Therapy: A Breakthrough in Chronic Pain Treatment

By: Traci Patterson, CH, CI – Founder and Owner of Advanced Pathways Hypnosis Millions of people from children to adults are affected by chronic pain, which is commonly referred to as CRPS/RSD, Fibromyalgia, cluster headaches, neuropathic pain, etc. The numbers are staggering and they continue to grow. For the majority of individuals that receive theseContinue reading “Hypnosis Combined Therapy: A Breakthrough in Chronic Pain Treatment”